Monday, December 21, 2009

Lacrisert takes a different approach to dry eye.

Artificial tears are often used in the treatment of dry eye. A new product on the market may help those with moderate to severe dry eye. According to a recent study "significant reductions in the mean severity of dry eye symptoms also were seen, including discomfort (24.9% reduction), burning (34.9%), dryness (41.9%), grittiness (29%), sensitivity to light (18.9%), and stinging (28.5%)."

Lacrisert works differently than artificial tears. Artificial tears supplement existing tears while Lacrisert helps stabilize the tear film. It is meant to work for a full 24 hours. Many people who use the product may be able to reduce or eliminate their use of artificial tears to relieve their dry eye symptoms. One touted benefit is the once per day application, decreasing the need to constantly insert drops. On the other hand 8% reported having blurred vision.

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